7 Quick Tips You Should Know to Pass Employment Background Checks

June 29, 2021

Magnifying Glass on Desk The job market over the past six months has changed dramatically. Many office roles are now being carried out at home, and remote work has become the new normal since the pandemic. You could likely start a job without ever having to meet co-workers or managers in person.

This could also mean that there will be stricter criminal and background checks on potential employees. What can you do to help ensure you stand out as a possible candidate for a job? Here are the seven quick tips.

  1. Are you ready for a background check?
    Contact the HR department in advance and ask what documentation you will need to prepare for their screening process.
  2. Research your local employment laws.
    With remote work, you do not have to live near the company that you work for. Make sure you research the laws that pertain to employers in that area so you are familiar with your rights.
  3. Get copies of your employment records from your past employers.
    There are varying restrictions on what information an employer can disclose about a former employee. Depending on where you are located, there are laws on what you can and can’t share as an employer. However, you can always contact a former employer for your employment record, regardless of your location.
  4. Stay ahead of an employer.
    If you know a negative incidence will appear on your background check, it may be better to discuss it with the employer prior to discovering it on their own. If you bring it up and explain the circumstances of what happened, it could make a difference in how they perceive the issue.
  5. Find out what you need to know about illegal substances.
    Drug tests are standard, depending on the industry. Ensure you are informed about the banned substances in your area. If you take prescription medication, be prepared to provide further information detailing the purpose of each.
  6. Closely examine your driving record
    An employer may request a copy of your licence. Be prepared to explain all details relating to your driving record so you are not caught off guard.
  7. Check your credit history
    Credit history may be irrelevant for a potential job position; however, it can reveal a lot about a person’s character. Prepare a copy of your credit report and review it. If there are any discrepancies, ensure you dispute them as soon as possible, as it can take some time for the changes to take effect. Note: while it might be illegal for employers to look up your credit score, it’s acceptable for them to obtain your credit report.